Just a weekly sharing of my sharing · This is the end of March, and also the fourth post I wrote in this series. I achieved some of the goals I set one...
Just a weekly sharing of my story · This week was a low week, I needed to dedicate more time to myself and take a step back on the actions I make, to...
Just a weekly sharing of my story. · Last week I reviewed my goals. This week I tried to take actions towards those goals and I'll share those...
Just a weekly sharing of my story. · This week was the beginning of a new month and with it a new review of my goals. Goals Here are my goals for this...
In today's post, I'll share with you a simple introduction to Javascript language. It's not as complicated as it seems. The first thing to understand...
If you're using many tabs on google chrome every day, this feature is for you! · Today I stumble on a new feature about google chrome that seems...